How to Help your Child to Study?Oct 18th, 2021 [viewed 119 times]
Be A Tutor As a parent, you often feel like you need to be the disciplinary figure in your child’s life. Even though that is true from the moral perspective, it doesn’t always hold up to being beneficial when helping your child do better in school. Being a tutor or a mentor however, is a much better role to play when it comes to your child’s school work.
You can help them practice, create fun memorization games, get really involved in what they’re learning by actually even learning it yourself, or teaching them how you learned a particular topic. As a tutor, homework helper or mentor, you should follow along their progress rather than leading their progress, but always steer them back to the right path when you see they’re taking the wrong off-ramp or are stalled on the road. Follow up on your child’s progress, but let them know it’s OK not to be directly on course all of the time. Give them a little leeway, but always track their course and when they’re getting too much off track, rally them and get them back on the right road.
Be A Resource You are your child’s ultimate resource whichever way you look at it. Some children tend to be very independent and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you should cultivate the type of relationship with your child in a way that allows them to be fully comfortable coming to you for help, advice, or even just a talk. I know most parents give their children chores to do around the house in order to give them a sense of responsibility. Chores however are perfect moments when you could have the time to talk to your child. Do a chore with them every so often, talk to them, find out what’s on their mind, but don’t push too hard. No one likes being questioned or interrogated. Instead, to have them open up to you, you might try telling them what’s on your mind or asking for their opinion. You’d be surprised at just how smart your child really is. A young persons mind is very resourceful.
It’s important that your child knows they’re not alone. It’s not easy to balance this role, but you should definitely work on it and you’ll make progress in no time at all. The best way I could describe this is as follow — Hold up your child’s world, but without them seeing you do so.
Know Your Child’s Teacher This is definitely important, but I believe there’s more weight being put on this idea than the others mentioned above. Your child’s teacher is extremely important to your child’s learning experience. However, knowing your child’s teacher isn’t the answer to all of your questions or concerns. If you are to only focus on this idea and not the others, the learning mechanism won’t do too well. But if you were to make sure the other elements are working properly, then knowing your child’s teacher is the icing on the cake.
According to law help experts your child knows their teacher in a certain light, but you could get to know their teacher in a totally more complete light. Talking to your child’s teacher and finding out what they think your child has trouble with and what they think your child is really good at will allow you to improvise your game plan to help your child excel even further. Knowing your child’s best teacher will also help you understand what they want your child to focus on in school and what they think are the most important topics.
You want to be clear to your child’s teacher that you’d like to work WITH THEM in order to help your child excel. Often time’s teachers get the sense that the parent is always accusing them or blaming them for their child’s pitfalls. Rather than making them feel incompetent, try making them a team player and letting them know that you’re there to do whatever you have to in order for your child to do better in school.
According to math homework help experts it’s certainly not easy playing all these different roles, but in time and with perseverance you’ll notice that these roles are actually a lot of fun to play. You will see the fruits of your actions ripen right before your eyes and you’ll have the ultimate sense of achievement when your child starts seeing their grades and learning experience improve.
More resources:
How to Help Your Child Get Better Grades